Professional Issues in Software Engineering (PISE) is a final year
computer science module taught as part of the computer science degree at
the University of Limerick. PISE focuses on the ethical, legal and social
consequences of the design, implementation and use of computer and
information systems. The pedagogy used in the module has traditionally
been the group-based approach to teaching and assessment. However, the
growth in the cohort from around 30 to 180 in the 1990s led to a need to
consider using ICT to support this pedagogy as the volume of students and
their interactions with the learning process produced unsustainable
demands on the lecturer. There were a number of related drivers that also
gave impetus to this study. These included:
• Benefits of using collaborative learning pedagogy
• Requirements for authentic learning experience
• Need for virtual team skill development
• Assessing individual contributions to group-based assignments
• Countering plagiarism
• Making learning interesting and enjoyable
• Applying a constructivist pedagogy
These are discussed in the following sections.
Quality Issues in ICT Integration: Third Level Disciplines and Learning Contexts;Chapter 4
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Published with the permission of Cambridge Scholars Publishing