posted on 2017-01-06, 16:15authored byIta RichardsonIta Richardson, Jerry O'Mahony, Paul Howarth, Patrick O'Connor, Liam Glenny
In this paper, we present information about two related software
tools which solves two healthcare problems. In the first case, we
have developed a Connected Health software solution, Homesafe
Care, to monitor long-term conditions, through connecting a
patient to his / her General Practitioner – a one-to-one
relationship. Through discussion with an Indian-based charity,
Varanasi Children’s Hospital, we then realized that the software
could be updated to support their cause, improving children’s
nutrition. However, this meant that the system had to be changed
to support many-to-one relationships, where many children were
being supported by one single care worker, and this information
would be submitted to a central office.
SEHS '16 Proceedings of the International Workshop on Software Engineering in Healthcare Systems;pp. 39-42