Evolution of the historian data entry application: Supporting transcribathons in the digital humanities through MDD
Death and Burial Data: Ireland 1864-1922 (DBDIrl), is a digital hu?manities project, which uses historical civil registration of death as its primary dataset. The overarching aim of this project is to provide enriched and clean historical Irish data for analysis, in a eXtreme Model-Driven Development (XMDD) fashion. This paper discusses how e-learning environments were used to enrich these partially indexed data in an online, hybrid and blended learning group instruction format over four years. It describes how the DBDIrl data entry application, called Historian Dime App (HDA), evolved over a number of iterations to create a more user friendly interface, in an interdisciplinary collaboration of historians and computer scientists enabled by the XMDD approach. It discusses how the development process of HDA benefitted successive cohorts of history students engaged in a curricular Practice-based learning (PBL) project that follows a transcribathon model as defined by the Folger Library1 . We adapted the model for postgraduate teaching and learning in the humanities and took a reflexive approach to student/user feedback to evolve the HDA over four versions. It resulted in enhanced features, higher rates of user satisfaction, and a more responsive data curation and storage mechanism. This effort achieved our original aim of obtaining clean and accurate outputs from the students’ project work.
2022 IEEE 46th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC)Publisher
IEEE Computer SocietyOther Funding information
Death and Burial Data: Ireland 1864-1922” is a project funded by an Irish Research Council Laureate Award IRCLA/2017/32. This publication has emanated from research supported in part by a grant from Science Foundation Ireland under Grant number 13/RC/2094 P2, and a cooperation within the Health Research Institute (HRI) at the University of LimerickRights
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- Health Research Institute (HRI)
- LERO - The Irish Software Research Centre