In the discipline of nanomaterials, the outstanding mechanical properties of nanoscale
fibres and tubes (carbon nanotubes or CNTs) make them highly attractive as potential reinforcing
constituents in polymer, ceramic or metal matrices. They are expected to form the next
generation of advanced composites. However, achievement of high performance materials
through this approach requires a fundamental understanding of the mechanics of nanoscale
reinforcement, which may be quite different to micron-scale reinforcement. Single-wall CNTs
(SWCNTs) appear ideal for use in material reinforcement with theoretical tensile strengths
approaching 100 GPa. But, like most brittle materials, SWCNTs contain fabrication defects that
lower their strengths below the ideal level. In many applications, multi-wall CNTs (MWCNTs)
have been used due to their lower cost, availability, and ease of fabrication. MWCNT structures
can vary widely depending on the fabrication process, and so MWCNTs are considered to be
defective and disordered relative to SWCNTs, and to have lower strengths.
The second K Bertram Broberg Memorial Symposium on Mechanics of Materials;
Won Best Presentation by a Young Researcher