Independent Tether Management Nodes for Subsea Vehicles in Complex Fields
This paper presents a Tether Multipoint Management System (TMMS) for a Resident Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) in offshore operations. Operating close to structure or seabed. Boulders etc tether management is critical to ensure the safety and effectiveness of operations without tether entanglement. The proposed TMMS is composed of one or more Independent Tether Management Nodes (ITMN) enabling the ROV to move freely and autonomously around offshore structures while minimizing the risk of tether entanglement. The ITMN can use a combination of active thrusters (axial, lateral, and vertical) and passive (buoyancy and fin) control to achieve the necessary degrees of freedom and an onboard battery for power. The proposed system expands the operational capability of the ROV, allowing it to perform tasks not possible beforehand, saving time and increasing efficiency.
Technology based impact assessment tool foR sustaInable, transparent Deep sEa miNing exploraTion and exploitation
European Commission
Find out more...SEAI 21/RDD/747
OCEANS 2023, pp 1-4Publisher
IEEEOther Funding information
This material is based on works supported by HORIZONCL4-2022-RESILIENCE-01-02 - Monitoring and supervising system for exploration and future exploitation activities in the deep sea (RIA), within the project TRIDENT - Technology based impact assessment tool for sustainable, transparent deep sea mining exploration and exploitation, under grant agreement ID: 101091959. And SEAI Research, Development and Demonstration Funding Programme 2021 (grant No.;21/RDD/747).Sustainable development goals
- (9) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure