A propositional formula in Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF)
may contain redundant clauses | clauses whose removal from the for-
mula does not a ect the set of its models. Identi cation of redundant
clauses is important because redundancy often leads to unnecessary com-
putation, wasted storage, and may obscure the structure of the problem.
A formula obtained by the removal of all redundant clauses from a given
CNF formula F is called a Minimal Equivalent Subformula (MES) of F.
This paper proposes a number of e cient algorithms and optimization
techniques for the computation of MESes. Previous work on MES com-
putation proposes a simple algorithm based on iterative application of
the de nition of a redundant clause, similar to the well-known deletion-
based approach for the computation of Minimal Unsatis able Subfor-
mulas (MUSes). This paper observes that, in fact, most of the existing
algorithms for the computation of MUSes can be adapted to the compu-
tation of MESes. However, some of the optimization techniques that are
crucial for the performance of the state-of-the-art MUS extractors cannot
be applied in the context of MES computation, and thus the resulting
algorithms are often not e cient in practice. To address the problem of
e cient computation of MESes, the paper develops a new class of al-
gorithms that are based on the iterative analysis of subsets of clauses.
The experimental results, obtained on representative problem instances,
con rm the e ectiveness of the proposed algorithms. The experimental
results also reveal that many CNF instances obtained from the practical
applications of SAT exhibit a large degree of redundancy.
18th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2012). Lecture Notes in Computer Science;pp. 158-174
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The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com