questionnaire survey was conducted as part of a PhD study investigating
post-primary students' images of mathematics in Ireland. A definition of image
of mathematics was adopted from Lim (1999) and Wilson (2011). Students' images
of mathematics were hypothesized to include attitudes, beliefs, motivation,
self-concept, emotions and past experiences regarding mathematics. A
questionnaire was created with both quantitative and qualitative aspects. This
paper focuses on the qualitative facet by reviewing students' responses to the
open-ended questions according to the five categories of image of mathematics
found by Lim (1999). The qualitative data provides a more in-depth insight into
Irish students' images of mathematics. Findings from the qualitative data
afford an innovative insight into post-primary mathematics education from the
student perspective, thus offering a means for mathematics educators to respond
to students' needs and encourage Irish post-primary students' engagement with