This case study paper describes the development
and evaluation of a prototype, Golden Jubilants, a smartphone
app. Golden Jubilants was built within a software engineering
in healthcare project, ReDEAP, that aimed to identify a set of
recommendations for the design of smartphone apps for older
adults aged over 50. Prototype development and evaluation is a
recognized way to elicit meaningful feedback from any user
group. This tangible artifact was interactive and provided
fruitful engagement for us as researchers, and for the older
adults who participated. This short paper presents the
prototype evaluation process, and techniques used to ensure
older adult involvement. To conclude, we discuss four key
recommendations for consideration by software engineering in
healthcare researchers who are using prototypes in their
research – develop the research project through public and
patient involvement, harness the potential of established
evaluation and testing standards, develop a needed and tangible
prototype, and involve an external group to evaluate findings.
Workshop on Software Engineering & Healthcare, co-located with International Conference on Software Engineering;