posted on 2012-12-03, 14:14authored byMurat Yilmaz, Rory V. O'Connor
This study explores the personality traits of software
development practitioners by using a classification schema based
on the personality traits extended on the Myers-Briggs type
indicator (MBTI). To extract the information necessary for understanding
and classification of software development personnel,
we developed a card game playable with either single or multiple
participants. The game consists of seventy cards, which have a
keyword and a picture on one side and a hypothetical situation
typically encountered in software development landscapes with
two different selectable options on the other side. The game
master (GM) reads a situation by showing the pictures to
participants and elicits the most suitable answer in between
two selections. Ultimately, the outcome of the game reveals the
personality traits of individuals on a compatible scale with the
MBTI. To evaluate our game-based personality identification
method, we conduct a case study with sixteen individuals at a
university environment in seven group sessions. In light of the
experience gained, secondly we refine the questions and test the
game on sixty software development personnel selected from a
set of team based pairings at a middle size software company.
Our preliminary results indicate that there are more individuals
in software teams, who may perceive to be extroverted not only
in a classroom environment but also in an industrial setting.
Moreover, the initial results suggest that our method can be a
viable to the classical paper based MBTI tests particularly for
managing the workforce in software development projects.