posted on 2019-04-03, 09:10authored byHaiyang Zhang, Ivan GanchevIvan Ganchev, Nikola S. Nikolov, Máirtín Ó'Droma
Recommendation systems employed on the Internet
aim to serve users by recommending items which will likely be of
interest to them. The recommendation problem could be cast as
either a rating estimation problem which aims to predict as
accurately as possible for a user the rating values of items which
are yet unrated by that user, or as a ranking problem which aims
to find the top-k ranked items that would be of most interest to a
user, which s/he has not ranked yet. In contexts where explicit
item ratings of other users may not be available, the ranking
prediction could be more important than the rating prediction.
Most of the existing ranking-based prediction approaches consider
items as having equal weights which is not always the case.
Different weights of items could be regarded as a reflection of
items’ importance, or desirability, to users. In this paper, we
propose to integrate variable item weights with a ranking-based
matrix factorization model, where learning is driven by Bayesian
Personalized Ranking (BPR). Two ranking-based models utilizing
different-weight learning methods are proposed and the
performance of both models is confirmed as being better than the
standard BPR method.
2017 South Eastern European Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference (SEEDA-CECNSM);
IEEE Computer Society
Other Funding information
Chinese Scholarship Council, Telecommunications Research Centre (TRC) University of Limerick, University of Plovdiv