The need for software is increasingly growing in the automotive industry. Software development projects are, however, often troubled by time and budget overruns, resulting in systems that do not fulfill customer requirements. Both research and industry lack strategies to combine reducing the long software development lifecycles (as required by time-to-market demands) with increasing the quality of the software developed. Software process improvement (SPI) provides the first step in the move towards software quality, and assessments are a vital part of this process. Unfortunately, software process assessments are often expensive and time consuming. Additionally, they often provide companies with a long list of issues without providing realistic suggestions. The goal of this paper is to describe a new low-overhead assessment method that has been designed specifically for small-to-medium-sized (SMEs) organisations wishing to be automotive software suppliers. This assessment method integrates the structured-ness of the plan-driven SPI models of Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) and Automotive SPICE with the flexibleness of agile practices.
International Conference on Software Engineering Proceedings of the 30th international conference on Software engineering;pp. 551-560
Association for Computing Machinery New York, USA
Other Funding information
SFI, Global Software Development in Small to Medium
Sized Enterprises (GSD for SMEs), ITEA, Technical Research Centre of Finland, TEKES, Nokia Foundation in Finland as a part of VTT,