This study aims to investigate the validity and reliability of a novel plastic optical fiber
(POF) sensor, which was developed to measure the angles of flexion, extension and lateral bend at
the lumbar region. The angles of flexion, extension and lateral bend for a standing position were
measured simultaneously using both the novel POF sensor of this investigation and the commercial
Biometrics goniometer instrument. Each movement had two steps of bending which were 10 and 20
based on inclinometer readings. The POF sensor had good intra-rater reliability (Intraclass correlation
coefficient, ICC = 0.61 to 0.83). Bland–Altman plots were used to study the agreement using these
two sensors. There were proportional differences and bias between the POF sensor and Biometrics
goniometer, as the zero points did not lie in the percentage difference region in the Bland–Altman
plots. The proportional difference between these two likely reflects the different sizes and thus,
measurement regions of the two sensors. There was also strong correlation between the two sensors
(r > 0.77). Hence, the POF sensor could be of potential utility in measuring lumbar range of motion
(ROM) in a manner which is minimally invasive, and where discrete sections of the spine are under
specific investigation.
Study on Aerodynamic Characteristics Control of Slender Body Using Active Flow Control Technique