BSc nursing & midwifery students experiences of guided group reflection in fostering personal and professional development. Part 2.for discussion and innovation section
Reflective practice is a learning strategy supporting preregistration nursing and midwifery students in meeting everyday clinical practice challenges. This paper reports on a development and innovation evaluation using a qualitative approach exploring students’ experiences of guided group reflection organised during fourth year undergraduate internship. Data were collected through student feedback and interviews using a descriptive approach. Three categories emerged from the findings; beginnings for reflective learning, engaging in reflective learning and being a reflective practitioner. Students reported that guided group reflection provided positive opportunities for enhancing confidence. Students demonstrated understanding of reflection and valued reflective time within the closed group structure, which fostered personal and professional development. Findings support the benefits of the established collaborative guided group reflection structures. Guided group reflection is described as a valuable learning strategy on the journey of becoming a nurse in an ever-demanding health care practice world.
Nurse Education in Practice; 48, 102884
The full text of this article will not be available in ULIR until the embargo expires on the 14/09/2021
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