University of Limerick

Colorectal microbiota after removal of colorectal cancer

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-03-16, 14:26 authored by Peter CroninPeter Cronin, Clodagh L. Murphy, Maurice Barrett, Tarini Shankar Ghosh, Paola Pellanda, Eibhlís O'ConnorEibhlís O'Connor, Syed Akbar Zulquernain, Shane Kileen, Morgan McCourt, Emmet Andrews, Micheal G. O’Riordain, Fergus Shanahan, Paul W. O'Toole

The colonic microbiome has been implicated in the pathogenesis of colorectal cancer (CRC) and intestinal microbiome alterations are not confined to the tumour. Since data on whether the microbiome normalises or remains altered after resection of CRC are conflicting, we studied the colonic microbiota of patients after resection of CRC. We profiled the microbiota using 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing in colonic biopsies from patients after resection of CRC (n = 63) in comparison with controls (n = 52), subjects with newly diagnosed CRC (n = 93) and polyps (i = 28). The colonic microbiota after surgical resection remained significantly different from that of controls in 65% of patients. Genus-level profiling and beta-diversity confirmed two distinct groups of patients after resection of CRC: one with an abnormal microbiota similar to that of patients with newly diagnosed CRC and another similar to non-CRC controls. Consumption levels of several dietary ingredients and cardiovascular drugs co-varied with differences in microbiota composition suggesting lifestyle factors may modulate differential microbiome trajectories after surgical resection. This study supports investigation of the colonic microbiota as a marker of risk for development of CRC.


APC_Phase 2

Science Foundation Ireland

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NAR Cancer, Volume 4, Issue 2


Oxford University Press

Other Funding information

Science Foundation Ireland through a Centre award [APC/SFI/12/RC/2273 P2 to APC Microbiome Ireland]; Health Research Board of Ireland [ILP-POR-2017- 034]; FIRM award scheme of the (Govt. Ireland) Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine [17F251]. Conflict of interest statement. None declared.

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  • Health Research Institute (HRI)

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  • Biological Sciences

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