Background: Internationally, continuing professional competence (CPC) is an increasingly important issue for all
health professionals. With the imminent introduction of a CPC framework for paramedics and advanced paramedics
(APs) in Ireland, this paper aims to identify factors that will inform the implementation of this CPC framework by
seeking stakeholder input into the development of a CPC model for use by the regulatory body. Our secondary
objective is to determine the attitudes of registrants towards CPC and what they consider as optimal educational
outcomes and activities, for the purposes of CPC.
Methods: All paramedics and APs registered in Ireland (n = 1816) were invited by email to complete an anonymous
on-line survey. The study instrument was designed based on CPD questionnaires used by other healthcare professions.
Quantitative and qualitative analyses were performed.
Results: The overall response rate was 43% (n = 789), with 82% of APs and 38% of paramedics participating. Eighty-nine
per cent agreed that registration was of personal importance; 74% agreed that evidence of CPC should be maintained
and 39% believed that persistent failure to meet CPC requirements should mandate denial of registration. From a
pre-determined list of activities, respondents indicated practical training scenarios (94%), cardiac re-certification
(92%), e-learning supplemented by related practice (90%) and training with simulation manikins (88%) were most
relevant, while e-learning alone (36%), project work (27%) and reading journal articles (24%) were least relevant.
Conclusions: Irish Paramedics and APs are supportive of CPC linked with their professional development and
registration. Blended learning, involving evidence of patient contact, team-based learning and practical skills are
preferred CPC activities.
BMC Medical Education;14: 41
BioMed Central
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