posted on 2018-06-26, 11:54authored byKai-Jie Chen, Qing‐Yuan Yang, Susan Sen, David G. Madden, Amrit Kumar, Tony Pham, Katherine A. Forrest, Nobuhiko Hosono, Brian Space, Susumu Kitagawa, Michael J. Zaworotko
Removal of CO2 from CO gas mixtures is a necessary but challenging step during production of ultra‐pure CO as processed from either steam reforming of hydrocarbons or CO2 reduction. Herein, two hybrid ultramicroporous materials (HUMs), SIFSIX‐3‐Ni and TIFSIX‐2‐Cu‐i, which are known to exhibit strong affinity for CO2, were examined with respect to their performance for this separation. The single‐gas CO sorption isotherms of these HUMs were measured for the first time and are indicative of weak affinity for CO and benchmark CO2/CO selectivity (>4000 for SIFSIX‐3‐Ni). This prompted us to conduct dynamic breakthrough experiments and compare performance with other porous materials. Ultra‐pure CO (99.99 %) was thereby obtained from CO gas mixtures containing both trace (1 %) and bulk (50 %) levels of CO2 in a one‐step physisorption‐based separation process.
Prehistoric Hunting and Herd Management in Kenya
Directorate for Social, Behavioral & Economic Sciences
SFI, National Science Foundation, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
This is the accepted version of the following article:
Efficient CO2 Removal for Ultra‐Pure CO Production by Two Hybrid Ultramicroporous
Dr. Kai‐Jie Chen,Dr. Qing‐Yuan Yang,Dr. Susan Sen, Dr. David G. Madden, Amrit Kumar,Dr.
Tony Pham, Katherine A. Forrest, Dr. Nobuhiko Hosono,Prof. Dr. Brian Space, Prof. Dr.
Susumu Kitagawa, Prof. Dr. Michael J. Zaworotko
Angewandte Chemie
2018, 130, 13, pp. 3390-3394,
which has been published in final form at
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