Evolving journalistic trends in American media on # Black Lives Matter
The movement and protests under Black Lives Matter (BLM) in the postmodern times have opened a huge space for research. Specifically, for communication and media research from the point of view of social media. The main idea of this study that low cost labor in South America and the large number of people in the lower class were the main reasons to enslave African Americans or black American. White Americans of upper class were not only burdening black Americans with labor, but they are also doing same with white Americans by taking control of politics, cash and land. . The census study method were applied in this study and also Content analysis also requires analyzing data of different forms. Data of four public Twitter accounts is collected. The social media tool Twitter is used for data. For the analysis 468 tweets from four American media organizations that are two print media and two electronic media are selected. Criminal justice should provide justice to everyone regardless of anything. Some further work the BLM can do is to educate people about racism, colorblind racism, change opinions of people and get maximum support for the movement. Black lives matter and race also matters, and it will take a shift in public to assume that they matter and their lives are equally important in order to change the justice system and American society.
Global Media and Social Sciences Research Journal (Quarterly), 1 (1), pp. 55-63Language
EnglishDepartment or School
- Scoil na Gaeilge, an Bhéarla, agus na Cumarsáide | School of English, Irish, and Communication