This paper provides an in-depth analysis of the technological and social factors that led to the successful adoption of groupware by a virtual
team in a educational setting. Drawing on a theoretical framework based on the concept of technological frames, we conducted an action research study to analyse the chronological sequence of events in groupware adoption. We
argue that groupware adoption can be conceptualised as a three-step process
of expanding and aligning individual technological frames towards groupware.
The first step comprises activities that bring knowledge of new technological opportunities to the participants. The second step involves facilitating the participants to articulate and evaluate their work practices and their use of technology. The third and final step deals with the participants' commitment to, and practical enactment of, groupware technology. The alignment of individual technological frames requires the articulation and re-evaluation of experience
with collaborative practice and with the use of technology. One of the key findings is that this activity cannot take place at the outset of groupware adoption.
Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems; 18/ 2/ 28-47