University of Limerick

Finding polarized communities and tracking information diffusion on Twitter: a network approach on the Irish Abortion Referendum

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The analysis of social networks enables the understanding of social interactions, polarization of ideas and the spread of information, and therefore plays an important role in society. We use Twitter data—as it is a popular venue for the expression of opinion and dissemination of information —to identify opposing sides of a debate and, importantly, to observe how information spreads between these groups in our current polarized climate. To achieve this, we collected over 688 000 tweets from the Irish Abortion Referendum of 2018 to build a conversation network from users’ mentions with sentiment-based homophily. From this network, community detection methods allow us to isolate yes- or no-aligned supporters with high accuracy (90.9%). We supplement this by tracking how information cascades spread via over 31 000 retweet cascades. We found that very little information spread between polarized communities. This provides a valuable methodology for extracting and studying information diffusion on large networks by isolating ideologically polarized groups and exploring the propagation of information within and between these groups


SFI Centre for Research Training in Foundations of Data Science

Science Foundation Ireland

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Royal Society Open Access 12, 240454


Royal Society

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