Background: People from socioeconomically disadvantaged population groups are less likely to be physically
active and more likely to experience adverse health outcomes than those who are less disadvantaged. In this
umbrella review we examined across all age groups, (1) the effectiveness of interventions to improve physical
activity among socioeconomically disadvantaged groups, (2) the characteristics of effective interventions, and (3)
directions for future research.
Methods: PubMed/MEDLINE and Scopus were searched up to May 2017 to identify systematic reviews reporting
physical activity interventions in socioeconomically disadvantaged populations or sub-groups. Two authors
independently conducted study screening and selection, data extraction (one author, with data checked by two
others) and assessment of methodological quality using the ‘Assessment of Multiple Systematic Reviews’ scale.
Results were synthesized narratively.
Results: Seventeen reviews met our inclusion criteria, with only 5 (30%) reviews being assessed as high quality.
Seven (41%) reviews focused on obesity prevention and an additional four focused on multiple behavioural
outcomes. For pre school children, parent-focused, group-based interventions were effective in improving physical
activity. For children, school-based interventions and policies were effective; few studies focused on adolescents
and those that did were generally not effective; for adults, there was mixed evidence of effectiveness but
characteristics such as group-based interventions and those that focused on physical activity only were associated
with effectiveness. Few studies focused on older adults. Across all ages, interventions that were more intensive
tended to be more effective. Most studies reported short-term, rather than longer-term, outcomes and common
methodological limitations included high probability of selection bias, low response rates, and high attrition.
Conclusions: Interventions can be successful at improving physical activity among children from socioeconomically
disadvantaged groups, with evidence for other age groups weak or inconclusive. More high-quality studies in this
population group are needed, which adopt strategies to increase recruitment rates and reduce attrition, report
longer term outcomes, and provide adequate intervention details, to allow determination of the characteristics of
effective interventions. We recommend that the benefits of physical activity be recognised more broadly than
obesity prevention in future studies, as this may have implications for the design and appeal of interventions.
BioMed Central;15:43
Other Funding information
Brimbank City Council, Ms. Deborah Law from The Australian Health Policy Collaboration, Ms. Caitlin Lombard, Brimbank City Council