NAAG peptidase inhibitor increases dialysate NAAG and reduces glutamate, aspartate and GABA levels in the dorsal hippocampus following fluid percussion injury in the rat
posted on 2015-09-23, 14:10authored byChunlong Zhong, Xueren Zhao, Ken C. Van, Tomasz Bzdega, Aoife Smyth, Zia Zhou, Alan P. Kozikowski, Jiyao Jiang, William T. O'Connor, Robert F. Berman, Joseph H. Neale, Bruce G. Lyeth
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) produces a rapid and excessive elevation in extracellular glutamate that
induces excitotoxic brain cell death. The peptide neurotransmitter N-acetylaspartylglutamate (NAAG) is
reported to suppress neurotransmitter release through selective activation of presynaptic Group II
metabotropic glutamate receptors. Therefore, strategies to elevate levels of NAAG following brain injury
could reduce excessive glutamate release associated with TBI. We hypothesized that the NAAG peptidase
IIlhih itor. ZJ-43 would elevate extracellul~lr NAAG levels and reduce ext",cellular levels of amino acid
neurotransmitters following Tl3l by a Group II metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR)-mcdiated
mechanism. Dialysate levels ofNAAG, glutamate, aspartate and GABA from the dorsal hippocampus
were elevated after TBI as measured by ill vivo microdialysis. Dialysate levels ofNAAG were higher and
remained elevated in the ZJ-43 treated group (50 mg/kg, i.p.) compared to control. ZJ-43 treatment also
reduced the rise of dialysate glutamate, aspartate, and GAB A levels. Co-administration of the Group II
mGluR antagonist, L Y34 1495 (I mg/kg, i.p.) partially blocked the effects of ZJ-43 on dialysate glutamate
and GABA suggesting that NAAG effects are mediated through mGluR activation. The results are
consistent with the hypothesis that inhibition ofNAAG peptidase may reduce excitotoxic events
associated with TBI.
Journal of Neurochemistry;97 (4), pp. 1015-1025
Other Funding information
National Neuroscience Network (Ireland), EI, SFI
This is the author's version of the following article: NAAG peptidase inhibitor increases dialysate NAAG and reduces glutamate, aspartate and GABA levels in the dorsal hippocampus following fluid percussion injury in the ratThe definitive version is available at