Natural convection heat transfer from a heat generating horizontal cylinder enclosed in a square cavity where a temperature difference exists across its vertical walls has been experimentally investigated for the range 2×104 < Racyl < 8×104
and a Pr of 0.71. Temperature and cylinder Nusselt number measurements were taken for a range of θ∗. θ∗ is defined as a
ratio of cylinder and cavity Grashof numbers. It has been found that at the lower values of Racyl, the heat transfer from
the cylinder compares well with correlations available in literature. As Racyl increases however, it deviates away and the
overall heat transfer from the cylinder is increased when compared to these correlations due to the interaction from the
cavity. 2D-PIV measurements of the flow structures inside the compartment were conducted. They show an increased
interaction between the flow structures generated by the cylinder and by the cavity with increasing θ∗, corresponding to
the increase in the heat transfer from the cylinder. It is observed that the recirculation generated by the temperature
gradient imposed on the cavity is broken down as the plume from the cylinder becomes stronger and a transition process
is observed, whereby the flow transitions from being dominated by the temperature difference across the cavity to that
dominated by the temperature difference due to the cylinder
A Paradigm Shift in Program Analysis and Transformation via Intersection and Union Types
Directorate for Computer & Information Science & Engineering
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science;44, pp. 199-208
Other Funding information
European Union (EU)
This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science Volume 44, January 2013, Pages 199-208