This article deals with the management of noise in an academic library by outlining an
evidence-based approach taken over seven years by the University of Limerick in the Republic of
Ireland. The objective of this study was to measure the impact on library users of noise management
interventions implemented from 2007 to 2014 through retrospective analysis of LibQUAL+®
survey data. The data indicate that readers’ perceptions of the provision of quiet space in the
library greatly improved in that period. The study provides evidence showing the effectiveness of
interventions, such as the development of a noise policy, zoning, rearranging of furniture, removal
of service points from reader spaces, and structural improvements. There is evidence to indicate
that the creation of a separate graduate reading room may be an effective noise management
intervention not previously identified in the literature. Academic libraries struggling with noise
problems and those with low scores on the LibQUAL+® quiet space question may find some
helpful interventions that have an underlying evidence base to indicate their effectiveness when
dealing with noise and the provision of quiet space.
portal: Libraries and the Academy;16 (4), pp. 775-791