In this paper, four critical friends meet to discuss qualitative research practices. Together
they put one of their own case studies under the knife and deconstruct it to investigate
the possibilities that knowledge work is complicated not only by the dynamics of socially
constructed enterprises and the actors involved therein, but by the positioning of the
researcher. The case describes an evaluative study of a university program where students
engaged in directed experiential learning in group-integrated learning settings. The
researcher was also the course lead-tutor and this gave rise to some concern, on later
reflection and in discussions among critical friends, when issues of researcher positioning
were considered. Together, through questioning the topic, the literature, the research
experience and the role of the researcher, we developed a reflection-on-action rubric. In
a research arena where subjective, interpretative and messy examples abound, as they
should, this paper offers an example of our own work, an honest self-appraisal, a rubric
for readers consideration and a discussion that adds to the perpetual flux of knowledge
Issues in Educational Research;28 (1), pp. 153-163
Western Australian Institutes for Educational Research