What is qualitative research? Are there different types of
qualitative research? Is qualitative research important in medicine?
Is it not enough for me to understand quantitative research and its
methodology? It is unsurprising that medical students might feel
overwhelmed studying many different research study designs.
Some might even do as some of us initially did: we “skim-read” the
chapters on qualitative analyses. We reasoned that so much
medical teaching and medical literature relies on numbers (pvalues,
confidence intervals, odds ratios, relative risks, etc), the
“hard data”. By comparison, qualitative research has more words
and fewer numbers. The outcomes can sometimes appear
“obvious”, and we wondered if so much effort was needed or
justified. However, the benefits of qualitative research in medicine
are widely recognised and accepted. This extends especially to
the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, where systematic
reviews of qualitative studies are conducted.
Irish Medical Journal;supplement, 106(2), pp. 13-15
Irish Medical Organization
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4i - Centre for Interventions in Infection, Inflammation & Immunity