On 23rd April
2009 a new reviewed journal entitled Socheolas: Limerick Student Journal of
Sociology was officially launched. The journal, now in its 3rd issue,
is produced, edited and managed by a small team from within the Department of
Sociology at the University of Limerick. The key purpose of the journal is to showcase
the high-quality academic work undertaken by its undergraduate and postgraduate
students. The journal offers undergraduate and first-year postgraduate students
in the Department of Sociology an opportunity to improve their writing and sociological
skills, both as authors and as readers of sociological research. It allows students
to have first-hand experience of the process of editing and rewriting for publication
in a supportive and constructive environment, while giving them the
opportunity to see their work published online.
This paper will
document the establishment of Socheolas from its origin as part of a
drive to increase the profile of sociology among both the faculty and student body
in UL, to its position as a central element in the active teaching and learning
culture of the department. Critical reflections of the editorial team are
presented, offering key insights into the practical and theoretical challenges
as well as the contribution and benefits arising from the journal s evolution
and development. These practical insights are supplemented by the findings from
a series of small focus groups conducted with a number of student authors.
These findings illustrate the positive and negative experiences of students as
well as offering insight into the value and importance placed by them on the
process of writing for publication. Together, these staff and student
reflections inform an overall evaluation of and critical engagement with Socheolas
as it prepares to move onto the next stage of its development.