Education for people with a disability has changed over the years, moving from a
philosophy of integration to inclusion. This philosophy requires a whole school approach
spanning issues such as access, opportunities for learning, social experiences and
developing a culture of acceptance. While this poses many challenges for individuals,
schools and communities, it is a right for all citizens to be educated within their local
school in a supportive manner. This article presents a reflection on a teacher practice
placement, as through reflecting on one’s experience one can promote desirable practice,
develop understanding and learning from one’s experience. To facilitate the reflection
Gibbs’ reflective cycle was used, addressing the description, feelings, evaluation,
analysis, conclusion and action plan.
Support for Learning;27 (3), pp 113-118
Wiley Publishers
This is the author's version of " The influence of teacher practice placement on one’s beliefs about intellectual disability: a student’s reflection". The definitive version is available at,