This paper presents the design, development and realization of a fast and novel process
for the synthesis of 3C silicon carbide (β -SiC) nanorods and submicron powder. Using SiO2 (or Si) and activated carbon (AC), this process allows β-SiC to be synthesized with almost 100% purity in timeframes of seconds or minutes using multimode microwave rotary tube reactors under open-air conditions. The synthesis temperature used was 1460 ± 50 °C for Si + AC and 1660 ±50 °C for SiO2 + AC. The shortest β -SiC synthesis time achieved was about 20 s for Si + AC and 100 s for SiO2 + AC. This novel synthesis method allows for scaled-up flow processes in the rapid industrial-scale production of β-SiC, having advantages of time/energy saving and carbon dioxide emission reduction over comparable modern processes.
Materials;11, 17
Other Funding information
National Natural Science Foundation of China, Shanghai Science and Technology Committee, State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse (SKL)