Discusses the issue of abortion in Ireland following the European Court of Human Rights decision in A v Ireland (25579/05) and suggests that Ireland is under an obligation to introduce legislation which reconciles the right to life of the unborn and that of the mother. Considers, using the salient principles explored in the Irish Supreme Court ruling in Attorney General v X, some of the issues that future legislation should address, namely: (1) in what circumstances is a woman entitled to an abortion, (2) the rights of the parents of a pregnant girl; and (3) the obligations of the medial profession.
Irish Journal of Family Law;14(2), pp. 50-56
Thomson Round Hall
“This material was first published by Thomson Reuters (Professional) Limited as Jennifer Schweppe “Taking Responsibility for the Abortion Issue: Some thoughts on Legislative Reform in the Aftermath of A, B and C”, (2011) 14(2) IFLJ 50 and is reproduced by agreement with the Publishers.”