posted on 2013-11-18, 11:37authored byAnn Mac PhailAnn Mac Phail, Trish Gorely, David Kirk, Gary Kinchin
This paper reports on a sixteen week Sport Education (SE) unit with just over 70 Year 5 students (mean age 10.04 years) in one UK school during the spring and summer terms of 2001 and discusses students’ experiences of SE. Student interviews were conducted throughout the season and a questionnaire on different aspects of motivation were administered prior to, and on completion of, the SE season. We report and examine the data in relation to a number of hypothesized influences on fun and enjoyment, including being part of a team, autonomy, competition and winning and improvement in game play, social interaction and being with friends, competition and winning, perception of sport competence and autonomy.
"This is an Author's Original Manuscript of an article whose final and definitive form, the Version of Record, has been published in the Research Quartely for Exercise and Sport, 2008copyright Taylor & Francis,, available online at: