Effective national level health guidelines
and policy must be based on accurate information about how physical activity and
sedentary behaviour contribute to health.
Research undertaken at the University of
Limerick has utilised technology to accurately quantify levels of physical activity and
sedentary behaviours, and has related these
measures to both health indices and behavioural determinants. Publications based on
these findings have been widely reported in
the national media and referenced at government level. Members of UL’s Centre of
Physical Activity and Health Research have
contributed to the National Guidelines on
Physical Activity for Ireland, Ireland’s National Physical Activity Plan and Ireland’s 2014
Report Card on Physical Activity in Children
and Youth. The centre is currently taking a
leading role in the Determinants of Diet and
Physical Activity Choice (DEDIPAC) Knowledge Hub (www.dedipac.eu).
Development of a structure identification methodology for nonlinear dynamic systems