The post-modern world is often characterised as being fragmented in a variety of ways. It is clearly a divided and
unequal world. It is divided in ideological terms. It is divided in regional terms. It is divided in terms of those who
have power and those who have little or no power. Unequal power relationships in terms of class, ethnicity/race and
gender, to name but three examples, continue to persist, usually in combination. In postmodernity, the media
continue to have a hugely significant role in manufacturing and disseminating dominant and other forms of ideology.
Indeed, a critical political economy perspective would suggest that the ongoing processes of conglomeration in terms
of media ownership and control have resulted in a narrowing, in ideological terms, of the range of voices and
opinions heard and seen in a media setting. Against this point of view is a perspective that celebrates the power of
audiences to resist and subvert the ideological content of media texts. Nevertheless, it is the trans-national capitalist
class that are largely responsible for the explosion in media terms in people’s everyday lives.
University of Limerick Department of Sociology Working Paper Series;WP2004-04