Presenting problem/conditions that result in people with an intellectual disability being admitted to acute hospitals in Ireland: An analysis of NQAIS data from 2016-2020
The wide range of health conditions and complex needs experienced by people with intellectual
disability (ID) means that they are more likely to utilise acute care services in comparison with
the general population. ID accounts for 1% to 3% of the world’s population and has an onset
before the age of 18 years (22 years from an American perspective according to the American
Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD) 2021). ID is characterised
by lifelong limitations in cognitive and adaptive functioning and experiences of social and
environmental restrictions which create barriers to effective participation in daily life. With
increased childhood survival rates and improved diagnostic, screening and identification, this
percentage has the potential to increase in the coming decades.
Limerick: University of Limerick and Office of the Nursing and Midwifery Service Director, HSE.