posted on 2015-06-22, 11:09authored byJames Galvin
The overall aim of this study was to explore the perceptions of regular teachers of a whole
school approach (WSA) to guidance counselling in a mid west post-primary school. The
study focuses on the critical discourse developing in the area of guidance counselling
provision as a result of the policy decisions in Budget 2012.
Whilst a similar study was completed from an eastern perspective by Hui (2002) and Lam
and Hui (20 I0). this study addresses a gap in research on the perceptions of regular teachers
of a WSA to guidance counselling from a western perspective.
This case study used a mixed method approach with two phases of data collection. Phase I
consisted of 30 self reporting online SurveyMonkey questionnaires and Phase 2 collected
narratives through interpretive interviews with six regular teachers who volunteered in the
The main themes that emerged in the findings related to the: delivery of a holistic education
experience: the pastoral care role of regular teachers in the post-primary school; whole school
approach (WSA) to guidance counselling; and the implications of Budget 2012 on the
guidance counselling provision in the school.
The conclusions centre around a disconnect between the current shift of focus in policy in
BUdget 2012 and the resultant inadequate guidelines and training being delivered in the postprimary
case school. In addition. the study highlights that regular teachers are willing to
participate in a WSA to guidance counselling when they are properly supported by policy and
resources. Finally. a number of recommendations are put forward to inform further policy.
practice and research.