posted on 2023-02-10, 14:34authored byAlan Griffin
Introduction: Amateur Rugby Union has an inherent risk of injury that is associated
with detrimental effects on player welfare and team performance. The monitoring of
players’ preparedness for, and response to, training has become an integral tool for
coaches in injury risk management as it may aid in the prescription and design of
training. A training monitoring system (TMS) should be both attainable and
scientifically grounded, however, there is a paucity of information in relation to
monitoring training at the amateur level and the inherent challenges this presents.
Aim: The aim of this doctoral research was to explore the associations between
subjective measures of training load (TL) and wellness with injury occurrence in
match-play and training sessions in amateur rugby in Ireland. Fundamentally, this
programme of research aimed to offer practical methods of monitoring training that
has the potential to mitigate injury risk and, in turn, benefit the health and wellbeing
of players. Methods: Five studies were conducted in this programme of research
which: (1) systematically reviewed and critically appraised the existing relevant
literature regarding associations between the acute:chronic workload ratio (ACWR),
and injury in team sports (Chapter Three), (2) established the current training
monitoring practices of practitioners working with in amateur Rugby Union clubs
(Chapter Four), (3) developed and evaluated an online TMS (Chapter Five), examined
methods of addressing missing TL using missing value imputation (MVI) (Chapter
Six), and (5) explored possible associations between subjective self-reported measures
of wellness, various training load metrics, and injury in amateur Rugby Union.
Results: The findings of the systematic review support the association between the
ACWR and non-contact injuries and its use as a valuable tool for monitoring TL as
part of a larger scale multifaceted monitoring system that includes other proven
methods. 72.7% of practitioners working with amateur Rugby Union clubs monitored
training with the most common method being the session rate of perceived exertion
(sRPE), used in 83.3% of monitoring systems. The 3 most prominent challenges to
motoring training were found to be lack of player compliance, data inconsistency and
match-day challenges. Practitioners should strive to keep missing TL data at a
minimum, however imputing missing data with the Daily Team Mean (DTMean) was
the most accurate MVI method of the twelve MWI methods examined. Lastly, logistic
regression found significant, strong associations (odds ratio (OR) = 6.172, 95% CI =
0.254 – 0.473, p < 0.001) between the occurrence of injury and the summative score
of overall wellness (0-day lag). Significant weak associations were found between the
occurrence of injury and the majority of ACWR calculations when 3-day and 7-day
injury lag periods were applied. Conclusion: The findings of this programme of
research support the positive association between injury and both subjective wellness
and TL. Monitoring training of amateur athletes has its own unique challenges and
confounders (e.g., limited time with players, occupation of players, resources
available). Practitioners must accept that due to the complexity of injury, a risk will
always be present and instead focus on prescribing training that they deem will
promote positive adaptations in a safe manner. However, a TMS consisting of
subjective measures may mitigate injury risk in amateur Rugby Union by supporting
decisions around training prescription.
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