Decoding the journey: an in-depth analysis of the frontline impacts of the introduction of the short course in coding: a case study of two Irish schools
Computer Science Education (CSE) has risen in popularity around the world, with advances in both the
quantity and content of CSE programmes. These changes have been emulated in the Republic of Ireland
(ROI), where CSE, has been formally introduced at both lower and upper-second-level education. At
lower-second-level, the CSE course was titled Coding. This course established for the first time an
optional curricular component, which enabled students to receive certification within the area of CSE.
The course was first piloted in twenty-two schools in January of 2016 and has seen a steady uptake in
number since.
This study provides a unique insight into the lived experiences of teachers and students after the
introduction of Coding within their schools. Data was collected through semi-structured teacher
interviews with four teachers, student surveys with sixty students, classroom observations and school
document analysis. This study provides a snapshot of Coding within two schools; the fundamental
findings were:
Initially, a school culture of adaptability was a critical factor in the inclusion of Coding
within the school timetable.
Individual educators with a passion for CSE were the continued drivers of the program in
both schools.
For the majority of students, prior experiences of CSE were pivotal in their desire to
pursue further study in the area.
Finally, 95% of students enjoyed one or more aspects of the Coding short course.
The information and observations gathered within this dissertation will be of interest to all those who
seek to understand CSE enactment in a case-specific context within the ROI.