Exploring mathematics anxiety and potential associated environmental antecedents amongst a group of adult learners
The Further Education and Training (FET) sector has often been referred to the ‘Cinderella’ sector of the Irish education system. It is often overlooked and undervalued, mainly due to its fragmented provision, as well as an unclear and diverse identify. Almost €800 million of funding is invested by SOLAS annually in FET, serving around 200,000 unique learners each year.
Mathematics Anxiety affects learners at all levels of the education system including FET. Indeed, the concept of mathematics anxiety is prevalent in research in order to understand the fear and anxiety that learners exhibit in dealing with mathematics. The vast majority of research in mathematics anxiety has focused on primary school, post primary school and higher education, where FET has been ignored to a significant extent. The study comprised of a sequential mixed method approach, the quantitative element was a MAS UK (Mathematics Anxiety Scale) questionnaire (n=15) and the qualitative element was a mathematics life story interview (n=8). The findings show that mathematics anxiety existed at varying levels among these mature students, and that there are significant environmental antecedents that contribute to the level of anxiety experienced.
- Faculty of Education and Health Sciences
- Master (Research)
First supervisor
Raymond LynchSecond supervisor
Orla McCormackDepartment or School
- School of Education