This research was undertaken for Kemmy Business School and Atlantic Projects Company Limited.
The research identified methods from literature to assess both an organisations Strategic Knowledge
Goals and its current knowledge maturity level. From here it was possible to identify several existing
Knowledge Management frameworks and analyse these against each other to identify strengths and
weaknesses, pro's and con's.
This paper combines Zack’s (1999) techniques with Minnone & Turner’s (2001) KM3 model to allow an
organisation to assess what its long-term goals are along with its current KM ability to determine what
the gap is between where they are and where they want to be. Four selected KM frameworks are
compared and contrasted against each other and the results of the research.
Interviews were carried out with Upper Management to identify the organisations current strategic
goals and objectives. Once these were established it was possible to interview a selection of the
organisations personnel to determine what the current status of Knowledge management was within
the organisation and which of the selected frameworks was the best fit for it.
The research into long-term strategic goals found that an effective Knowledge Management system,
particularly one which focused on the fields of Quality assurance and Safety, were the strategic goals of
the organisation. Further Education and Training of employees was seen as important and the loss of
Knowledge, through retirement or employees leaving the organisation, was the largest threat. The
organisation was found to be at level one maturity on Minnone & Turner’s (2009) Knowledge
Management Maturity model. A framework, responsible person, project team and KPI’s for KM are
required to advance the organisations Knowledge Management effectiveness. Rubenstein-Montano et
el’s (2001a) framework was identified from the preliminary research as the most appropriate for the
industry, organisation and environment.
Theoretically this research is the first step in introducing a KM framework tailored for the needs of PBO’s
in the power generation industry. More research is needed to further analyse the organisation and
industry and select specific details for what is currently a broad framework. While this research has
indicated that the organisation is typical for its industry further research would be required before it
could be claimed that the results of this research can be generalized.
This research is the beginning of a longer process of implementing a KM framework within the
organisation. It has been established that the organisation has a basic understanding of Knowledge
Management and a lot of work is left to do before an effective system is operational.