Existing long span load models have typically been developed using a number of
conservative assumptions, and as such are more applicable to the design of new bridges
rather than the assessment of existing structures. Excessive conservatism in such
assumptions can lead to expensive and unnecessary interventions in existing bridges.
Furthermore, existing load models do not always allow for correlations in traffic weights and
vehicle positions on the bridge.
This thesis proposes a method of simulating load effects on long span bridges termed ‘Long
Span Scenario Modelling’ (LSSM). The ‘scenarios’ are blocks of vehicles extracted from a
stream which contain the inherent correlations between vehicle weights and positions. The
correlation in load intensity between successive scenarios is explicitly modelled. The
scenarios can be used to simulate congested conditions for the required number of congestion
events. A large Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) dataset from a site in the USA is used to
demonstrate the process. Free-flowing WIM data is converted into a congested traffic stream
using lane changing and gap distribution models. Recurring rush hour type congestion is
simulated. The load intensities for 500, 1000 and 1500 m loaded lengths are determined for
1000-year return periods.
An efficient computer algorithm to allow simulation of long span bridge load events for long
return periods is also developed. Such long run simulations can avoid the uncertainties with
extrapolation techniques where data recorded over relatively short periods of time is
extrapolated to large return periods. To ensure a diversity of load events, the measured
scenario library is extended through the generation of new scenarios.
The LSSM is shown to better represent the long span load intensities when compared to
measured traffic, particularly when the correlation between successive scenarios is
accounted for. For the studied cases it is also shown that a Gumbel (linear) extrapolation
from one year of WIM data overestimates the long run simulation value by approximately
12%. The developed algorithm therefore allows the long run simulations for the LSSM
method to be carried out on a desktop computer and therefore greatly reduce the variability
of results and limit potential issues regarding extrapolation techniques and choice of suitable
statistical distributions.