University of Limerick

THESIS 1: (MA, IRISH) AN LAOCHAS AGUS LAOCHRA I SAOTHAR PHÁDRAIG UÍ CHÍOBHÁIN [Heroism and Heroes in the Work of Pádraig Ó Cíobháin]

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posted on 2024-06-11, 09:03 authored by Sorcha De BrúnSorcha De Brún

Déanann an miontráchtas seo grinnstaidéar ar ghné an laochais i saothar an Dhuibhnigh, an scríbhneoir bisiúil Pádraig Ó Chíobháin (1951-) maidir lena chuid úrscéalta agus a chuid gearrscéalta sa tréimhse ó1991 go 2006. Féachann an tráchtas chuige a chuid saothair atá fé anáil an traidisiúin bhéil agus an traidisiúin liteartha sa Ghaeilge a ghrinneadh, agus déantar iniúchadh ar athidirghabháil mhóitífeanna na Sean-Ghaeilge i saothar an Chíobhánaigh. Ina theannta sin, déantar scrúdú ar thionchar laochas agus laochra mhiotaseolaíocht na Ghréigise agus na Róimhe i saothar an Chíobhánaigh; agus ar an toradh liteartha a bhí ar na roghanna cruthaitheacha sin do chruthú an fhrithlaoich fhirinn ina chuid litríochta.

This thesis undertakes a close reading of the theme of heroes and heroism in the work of the prolific Corca Dhuibhne Irish language writer, Pádraig Ó Cíobháin (1951-). In examining his short stories and novels from 1991 to 2006, it shows how Ó Cíobháin's work has been heavily influenced by both the oral and literary traditions in the Irish language, in particular through adapting and remediating motifs from Old Irish literature. In addition, the thesis looks at the influence of Greek and Roman mythology on his writing, citing examples throughout his body of work. The thesis concludes with an analysis of the literary implications of Ó Cíobháin's use of the hero trope in his novels and short fiction; and how these creative choices paved the way for his development of the male anti-hero in his Irish language fiction.



Author: Sorcha de Brún


Irish / Gaeilge

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