The 27th International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports is the official annual
meeting of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports (ISBS) whose primary
purposes are:
• To provide a forum for the exchange of ideas for sports biomechanics
researchers, coaches and teachers
• To bridge the gap between researchers and practitioners
• To gather and disseminate information and materials on biomechanics in
These proceedings, presented at the University of Limerick, Ireland, from 17th to 21st
August 2009 include seven keynote papers, 110 oral papers, 180 poster papers and 5
thematic applied sessions. The conference proceedings present cutting edge
research on sports biomechanics and its applications from many internationally
renowned researchers and academics from more than 35 countries and 5 continents.
344 papers were submitted online for blind review by two expert members of the
ISBS 2009 Scientific Committee and were required to satisfy strict requirements for
scientific merit and relevance to sports biomechanics. For inclusion in the
proceedings, authors had to respond appropriately to the reviewers’ comments and
make requested changes to the satisfaction of the ISBS 2009 Editorial Board. 46
papers were rejected or withdrawn by authors during the review process. Accepted
papers were edited and formatted to ensure they complied fully with ISBS
submission guidelines. Papers are published as either four‐page short
communications or as one‐page work in progress reports.
The proceedings also include over 30 applied session papers under the themes of
rowing, strength & conditioning, swimming, coaching biomechanics and novel data
analysis techniques. These sessions provide opportunities for academics and
researchers to communicate important findings in sports biomechanics to
practitioners in coaching and teaching.
We are grateful to the ISBS 2009 Keynote Speakers, the ISBS 2009 Scientific
Committee and the ISBS 2009 Applied Session Chairs for their important work that
assured the quality of the conference proceedings.
The ISBS 2009 Editorial Board is confident that this process has ensured that these
proceedings retain the high standards of scientific merit and relevance typical of the
International Society of Biomechanics in Sports and will be an important reference
for academics, researchers and practitioners in sports biomechanics.
Original Writing & Biomechanics Research Unit, University of Limerick