Supporting first year students in their academic and social adjustment to higher education. A case study of the First Seven Weeks Programme at the University of Limerick.
Transition to university takes place during the first few months of a student entering
higher education and is characterised by the new academic, social and personal
challenges that the student experiences. At university, students are required to develop
competences related to accessing information, participation in university life, facing
academic challenges, study, and work abroad (IUQB, 2006; Diggins, Risquez and Murphy
et al., 2011; DES, 2011). In Ireland, the National Strategy for Higher Education to 2030
(DES, 2011) advises higher education institutions to address identified shortfalls in
students’ skills during their first year in higher education, by providing induction and
preparation courses such as self-directed learning, time management and information
literacy. This chapter showcases an example of the practical application of this policy
through the First Seven Weeks programme at the University of Limerick (UL), a proactive
transition programme underpinned by research, which integrates existing on-campus
student support services. Using Facebook, a free social networking website, as the main
method of communication, the initiative aims to help students find their way around,
clarify expectations, and facilitate their academic adjustment and socialisation. The
findings show that students of the programme agree that Facebook is useful for university
student support initiatives and that the programme is an extremely helpful resource. The
programme is sustainable in terms of funding, as the cost-benefit is maximised through
engaging with existing student services, staff, faculty and students; it is further sustainable
by using Facebook, a free social networking website, as the main communication method
with students. However, it is clear that guidance initiatives are intensive from the point
of view of coordination and require adequate funding as well as the strategic support of
university authorities. The following sections explore the context for the programme and
the use of technology within the programme. We then discuss the results collected from
two online surveys and conclude by outlining proposed future developments.
Emerging Issues in Higher Education III: From Capacity Building to Sustainability;chapter 13, pp. 178-193