The asymptotic homogenization technique has been used to analyze a wing box structure
consisting of trapezoidally arranged reinforcements encased within thin rectangular plates. Ignoring
stress concentration effects at the region of the overlap between the various components,
the wingbox structure can be analyzed by handling each constituent independently from each
other. To this end, a simpler structure was first considered which was made up of a base plate
and a single stiffener web; the results were then extrapolated to those of the wingbox structure
via superposition by adding in the contributions of each constituent of the overall unit cell. The
work culminated in closed-form expressions for the effective in-plane elastic coefficients of the
wingbox. This result demonstrates the attractiveness of the methodology in that it can be used
in engineering analysis and design to customize the architecture of a thin-walled reinforced
composite by changing some material or geometrical parameters of interest. Such parameters
could be the material of the base plate, the spatial arrangement of the reinforcements, the
relative sizes of the different constituents.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics:AIAA
Other Funding information
This is the author copy of the following:
“Asymptotic Homogenization for Modeling of Wingbox Structures”
Which appears in
2018 AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference,
AIAA SciTech Forum
The final published version is available at