posted on 2012-10-18, 14:55authored byGoetz Botterweck, Felix J. Hampe
In this paper we describe MANTRA, a model-driven
approach for the development of multiple consistent
user interfaces for one application. The common requirements
of all these user interfaces are captured in
an abstract UI model (AUI) which is annotated with
constraints on the dialogue flow.
We exemplify all further steps along a well known
application scenario in which a user queries train
connections from a simple timetable service.
We consider in particular how the user interface
can be adapted on the AUI level by deriving and tailoring
dialogue structures which take into account
constraints imposed by front-end platforms or inexperienced
users. With this input we use model transformations
to derive concrete, platform-specific UI models
(CUI). These can be used to generate implementation
code for several UI platforms including GUI applications,
dynamic websites and mobile applications.
The user interfaces are integrated with a multi tier
application by referencing WSDL-based (Web Service
Description Language) interface descriptions.
Finally, we discuss how our approach can be extended
to include voice interfaces. This imposes special
challenges as these interfaces tend to be structurally
different from visual platforms and have to be
specified using speech-input grammars.
Proceedings of 11th Australian Workshop on Requirements Engineering (AWRE 2006);