Crowdsourcing is an emerging form of ‘outsourcing’ software development.
While there has been considerable research in the area
of crowdsourcing in general, very little research has focused specifically
on how crowdsourcing works in a software development
context, and as far as we know, there have been no published studies
of crowdsourcing software development from a customer perspective.
Based on a review of the literature, we identified a number of
key concerns related to crowdsourcing that are of particular importance
in a software development context. Furthermore, we observed
a number of recurring key stakeholders, or actors, each of whom
has a unique perspective on crowdsourcing. This paper presents
a research framework that consists of the various combinations of
stakeholders and key concerns. The framework can be used to guide
future research on the use of crowdsourcing as a ‘sourcing’ strategy,
as well as a means to review and synthesize research findings so
as to be able to compare studies on crowdsourcing in a software
development context.
CSI-SE 2014 Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on CrowdSourcing in Software Engineering;pp.7-10