Agile development methods are growing in popularity
with a recent survey reporting that more than 80% of
organizations now following an agile approach. Agile methods
were seen initially as best suited to small, co-located teams
developing non-critical systems. The first two constraining characteristics
(small and co-located teams) have been addressed
as research has emerged describing successful agile adoption
involving large teams and distributed contexts. However, the
applicability of agile methods for developing safety-critical systems
in regulated environments has not yet been demonstrated
unequivocally, and very little rigorous research exists in this area.
Some of the essential characteristics of agile approaches appear
to be incompatible with the constraints imposed by regulated
environments. In this study we identify these tension points and
illustrate through a detailed case study how an agile approach
was implemented successfully in a regulated environment. Among
the interesting concepts to emerge from the research are the
notions of continuous compliance and living traceability.
Proceedings of 35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) SEIP track;