posted on 2011-07-01, 15:58authored byKhalil Arshak, Francis Adepoju, Essa Jafer
This paper presents an aggregation of simulated models for a wireless data acquisition system. The model consists of key units that were simulated using SIMULINK. The output signal from the transmitter was encoded to digital signal based on one of the Pulse Coding Modulation (PCM) algorithms. At the receiver end, the signal is demodulated and processed to extract the spectrum of the original analogue signal which is converted to voltage for position tracking purposes. The performance of the radio frequency (RF) unit through additive White Gaussian
Noise (AWGN) channel was examined by estimating the average Bit Error Rate (BER) for different carrier frequencies. The effect of the multi-path fading in a lossy medium was also considered. The receiver model was based on the assumption that the transmitter is omnidirectional and is transmitting at 433MHz.
IEEE Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems, 2007;
IEEE Computer Society
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