Socio-technical resilience for community healthcare
Older adults at home frequently rely on ‘circles of support’ which range from relatives and neighbours, to the voluntary sector, social workers, paid carers, and medical professionals. Creating, maintaining, and coordinating these circles of support has often been done manually and in an ad hoc manner. We argue that a socio-technical system that assists in creating, maintaining, and coordinating circles of support is a key enabler of community healthcare for older adults.
In this paper we propose a framework called SERVICE (Socio-Technical Resilience for the Vulnerable) to help represent, reason about, and coordinate these circles of support and strengthen their capacity to deal with variations in care needs and environment. The objective is to make these circles resilient to changes in the needs and circumstances of older adults. Early results show that older adults appreciate the ability to represent and reflect on their circle of support.
SAUSE: Secure, Adaptive, Usable Software Engineering
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Find out more...SERVICE: Social and Emotional Resilience for the Vulnerable Impacted by the COVID-19 Emergency
UK Research and Innovation
Find out more...History
TAS '23: Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous SystemsJuly 2023Article No.: 26 pp. 1–6Also affiliated with
- LERO - The Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Software
Sustainable development goals
- (4) Quality Education