University of Limerick
Test-Retest Reliability of a Physical Activity Behavior, Health and Wellbeing Questionnaire in Adolescents SPSS Dataset.sav (29.54 kB)

Physical Activity Behavior, Health and Wellbeing Study - Test-Retest Dataset

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Version 2 2023-08-31, 14:53
Version 1 2023-08-22, 07:40
posted on 2023-08-31, 14:53 authored by Padraic RocliffePadraic Rocliffe, IAN SHERWINIAN SHERWIN, PATRICIA MANNIX-MC NAMARAPATRICIA MANNIX-MC NAMARA, CIARAN MAC DONNCHACIARAN MAC DONNCHA, Brendan O'KeeffeBrendan O'Keeffe

Project Title: Test-Retest Reliability of a Physical Activity Behavior Health and Wellbeing Questionnaire in Adolescents

The data was collected as part of a test-retest reliability study on a physical activity behavior, health and wellbeing questionnaire in adolescents and was conducted via the Physical Education and Sport Sciences Department and Health Research Institute in the University of Limerick. Research ethics approval for this study and the associated protocols was granted by the research ethics committee of the Faculty of Education and Health Sciences, University of Limerick. Only answers form participants who consented to engage in the study are published in the dataset.

The study aimed to examine the test-retest reliability of the physical activity behavior, health and wellbeing questionnaire in adolescent populations, administered by teachers in school settings, in the Republic of Ireland. A cross-sectional included 55 participants (45.5% males: Age,13.94 (±.40) were included. The participants completed the questionnaire on two occasions (T1 and T2), on the same day and time, one week apart following identical procedures

The questionnaire consists of variety of physical activity behaviour (n=13), health (n=11) and wellbeing (n=2) variables. The dataset pertains to four distinct columns for each variable; test, retest, differences and means. The data was collected between January and March 2023.


GOIPG/2022/555 | Government of Ireland, Irish Research Council Postgraduate Scholarship Scheme.




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  • Health Research Institute (HRI)

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  • (3) Good Health and Well-being

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    Physical Education and Sports Science




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