The significance of information technology (IT) for modern business and, indeed, research in general
cannot be questioned, as its sheer pervasiveness adequately attests. However, simplistic views of technological
utopianism are now being offset by accounts of technological dystopianism. Clearly organizational
management have wholeheartedly subscribed to an IT future as a staggering 41 percent of total
capital expenditure in US organizations currently goes on IT. However, organizations face enormous difficulty
in trying to achieve successful training programmes in the instruction and use of IT. This research
study involved the construction and implementation of an IT training programme to inform midcareer
employees, in a large multinational organization, of the benefits of IT. Davis (1989) identified two
constructs as relevant to user acceptance of technology, namely ease of use (EOU) and perceived usefulness
(PU). These constructs were operationalised into a set of principles to underpin the training programme
which was delivered in two phases, each specifically addressing one of Davis’ constructs. While
the research is at an early stage, some preliminary lessons have been learned. For example, Davis’ chain
of causality operates in a fairly simple linear fashion, in that ease of use (EOU) is identified as a necessary
pre-condition before perceived usefulness (PU) can be achieved. However, our research would suggest
that this relationship is more interrelated and complex. Early signs suggest that the relationship between
ease of use and perceived usefulness is not a simple linear sequential one whereby EOU must first
be established as a necessary precondition for PU which in turn successfully leads to user acceptance of
technology. Rather, the perceived usefulness of the technology can serve as a significant motivator initially
which will help overcome EOU issues. Thus rather than operating in a sequential chain, the EOU
and PU constructs may operate in a parallel cyclical fashion.